Tuesday, November 30, 2010

127 Hours

A better story than it is a movie, but still a decent movie. James Franco does a phenomenal job playing Aron, the guy who cut his arm off after being trapped for 127 hours in Canyon Lands, Utah. The story is the real reason I went to see this. This guy has a giant rock land on his hand and he is stuck there with only what he has in his backpack. He is in some deep crevasse where no one can see him. He tries everything he can think of to get out until, desperate for food and water, he cuts his arm off just below the elbow with a dull pocket knife.
Like I said, it is a better story than it is a movie. The director is the guy who directed Slumdog Millionaire and I think he did a good job of making the movie flow well together and giving it continuity and purpose. It is similar to Cast Away in that both involve over an hour of solo acting. Franco is entertaining, genuine, and believable as this goofy, half-crazy guy. I give it a B because it didn't really involve any cinematic excellence or quality...just a crazy true story. One thing I did appreciate is that the movie stayed very true to the real story. It is worth a shot, at least at the Redbox.


  1. Hmmm...I have been hoping to see this. Should I wait for the Redbox then? I would have thought that the cinematography would have been more impressive - I was in awe during Slumdog. How do they compare?

  2. Don't get me wrong, I liked the way it was done. They do a good job of making it suspenseful and tense by doing flashbacks and giving unique camera angles. I just think that with this story there is only so much you can do to fill the time while the audience waits for him to cut his arm off.

  3. Slumdog didn't take place in some deep crack of a rock so it is hard to compare the two
